Being a homeowner has its perks. But it has a lot of downsides as well, the primary one being the fact that homes lose functionality on a regular basis. This occurs not only with the plumbing system but with the electrical system as well. .
Please keep in mind that working on your electrical system can be hazardous and typically should be left to the professionals. To find an experienced professional in your area, you can do a quick Google search for “Electrician Windsor” and see some reputable electricians nearby (you can do this for any location you are based in). Remember, it is also important to make sure you read the reviews of the previous work they have carried out.
In this article, we’re going to focus on the latter, identifying 7 electrical problems that homeowners face. Ready? Let’s go!
1. Frequently Tripping Circuit Breaker
One of the most common electrical problems faced by homeowners is the problem of the frequently tripping circuit breaker. If a circuit breaker is tripping weekly or even monthly, there is a problem at hand.
One such problem is that one of your appliances is impaired. Another such problem is that you have too many appliances plugged into a single circuit.
See, the breaker trips the circuit as a safety measure. So, if it’s tripping, it’s telling you that you’re doing something potentially dangerous.
Try to do away with any faulty appliances. If the problem is with your system itself, call up your local electrician. He or she can make necessary changes.
2. Abnormal Outlets
Electrical outlets can take on all sorts of problems, all of which can be the precursor to a dangerous or untimely mishap. As such, it’s good to monitor your outlets frequently.
Are your outlets hot to the touch? Do they sometimes spark when you plug things into them? Do they ever make a buzzing noise?
Or, maybe they’re just loose? Maybe they aren’t able to hold plugs in place? Any of these indications is a cause for concern.
The culprit could be the outlet itself. On the other hand, it could be the wiring that’s attached to that outlet. Make sure to have your outlets inspected by home electricians so that you can get to the bottom of the issue.
3. Flickering or Fading Lights
Another of many home electrical problems that you might encounter is flickering or fading lights. When lights power up and down randomly, there can be a number of factors at play.
In most cases, fading and flickering lights are caused by using too many appliances at once. These appliances essentially steal electricity from the lights, making it difficult for them to function.
Note, though, that bad wiring can cause this issue as well. There might also be a problem on the electrical company’s end. For instance, a damaged power line could compromise the consistency of the electricity that’s coming into your home.
Regardless of what the reason might be, this is a time in which you would be wise to call a home electrician. He or she can eliminate potential factors and work to correct the issue.
4. Power Surges
From time to time, your electrical system might experience a power surge. This is essentially a sudden blast of electricity that goes through your electrical system at a high rate.
Power surges are problematic in that they can damage appliances. In fact, in some cases, they can even cause house fires.
What causes power surges? A variety of things, from lightning strikes that hit power poles, to user error on the part of the electric company to the act of using too many appliances at one time.
You can help protect your home from power surges by installing a surge protector. There are both individual and whole-home protectors available. You can call your local electrician for more information.
5. Damaged Light Switches
This one might not happen extremely commonly, but it does happen more than you would expect. Namely, you go to turn on your light, and the light doesn’t turn on. In essence, your light switch is damaged.
This is usually a problem of faulty wiring. The wiring was either installed incorrectly or has become damaged over years of wear and tear.
Fortunately, the fix is pretty simple. You just have to install new wiring. A professional electrician can help you facilitate the task.
6. Frequently Extinguishing Light Bulbs
Another problem that you might stumble across is the problem of the frequently extinguishing light bulb. In other words, your light bulb is burning out on a frequent basis.
A standard light bulb should provide around 1,000 hours of use. A CFL bulb should provide around 10,000 hours of use. An LED bulb should provide around 25,000 hours of use.
If your bulbs are burning out quicker than the above-reviewed times, there’s likely an issue with your electrical system. It could have too much power going through it, it could contain loose bulb connections, it could possess bad insulation, and more.
The only way to truly get to the bottom of the problem is to have your system inspected by a professional electrician.
7. Electrical Shock
The last problem we’re going to discuss is the problem of electrical shock. If you’re wondering when to call an electrician, make no mistake, the moment after you’re shocked by your electrical system is the perfect time to do so.
As you might expect, an electrical system that can shock you is dangerous. Next time it shocks you, it might do more than just cause you a bit of discomfort. It could put you in the hospital.
Wondering what causes an electrical system to shock its users? In most cases, it’s bad wiring. However, there are a number of other factors that could be at play as well.
You know what you have to do: call up an expert who offers Residential Electrical Solutions and schedule an inspection.
These Electrical Problems Can Be Fixed
These electrical problems are just that: problems. And like any problems, they can be fixed. If ever you’re facing one of these problems, call up your local electrician. He or she can get to the source of the problem and take the necessary actions to correct it.
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