Every Self-Employed Blogger’s Dilemma: Should You Hire An SEO Professional, or DIY It?

Every Self-Employed Blogger’s Dilemma: Should You Hire An SEO Professional, or DIY It?

As a self-employed blogger, you face a lot of decisions. One of the most important decisions you’ll make is whether to hire an SEO professional or try to do it yourself. There are pros and cons to both approaches. You’ll have to pay for their services if you hire an SEO professional. But if you try it yourself, you might not get the desired results.

This article will explore the pros and cons of hiring an SEO professional and DIYing it. We’ll also give you tips on deciding which approach is right for you.



Given the fact that SEO is a constantly changing field, it’s hard to say that one of these methods is better than the other. Instead, they’re both useful at different times and for different reasons. The trick is knowing when to use them and when not to.

If you’re a blogger who has tried to implement SEO strategies on their own and hasn’t had much luck, it may be time to hire an SEO professional. If you’re a blogger who is just getting started or has a limited budget, DIY SEO can be a great way to get your blog off the ground without spending much money.

Whatever decision you make, it’s essential to do your research and make sure you’re hiring a good company or freelancer. You don’t want to hire someone who will do more harm than good!

The Pros of Hiring an SEO Professional

You don’t have the knowledge to do it yourself: If you’re not an SEO expert, it can be incredibly difficult to do it yourself. It can also be time-consuming and stressful. Hiring an SEO professional can help you avoid all that. You’ll be able to focus on creating great content while they take care of your SEO.

You don’t have the time to do it yourself: It’s not uncommon to spend hours trying to find the right keywords, writing new content, and optimizing your site. You could spend so much time on SEO that it becomes a distraction. You could also risk burning out.

You want to focus on other aspects of your blogging business: As a self-employed blogger, you have many responsibilities. If you decide to do your SEO, you’ll have to juggle that with everything else you have to do. Hiring an SEO professional can help you get back to focusing on other areas of your business, like marketing and lead generation.

The Cons of Hiring an SEO Professional

You’re outsourcing one of the most important parts of your business: SEO is one of the most important parts of your blogging business. It helps you get more leads and sales, and it can help you get more traffic and build your brand. If you outsource SEO, you’re outsourcing one of the most important parts of your business.

– You’re paying to solve a problem you created: If you hire someone to do SEO for you, they will want to know what keywords your site is targeting and what type of content you’re producing. You’ll need to be able to provide them with this information. If you don’t have it, you’ll need to create it.

You don’t know if the SEO professional will do a good job: Even though SEO is a reasonably straightforward process, it’s still a skill. You have no idea if the SEO professional you hire will do a good job. You also don’t know if they’ll be able to get results for your site promptly.

The Pros of DIY SEO

You can save a lot of money: Hiring an SEO professional can be expensive. You can either hire someone on a retainer or decide to hire them for a one-time project. Either way, you’ll pay a lot for their services. If you decide to DIY SEO, you won’t have to spend any money.

You can do it in your free time: One of the most significant benefits of DIY SEO is that you can do it in your free time. You’re not taking away from other parts of your business. You can also do it on a schedule that works for you.

You can control exactly what’s done to increase your site’s traffic: If you decide to go with DIY SEO, you have complete control over what’s done to increase your site’s traffic. You decide what keywords you want to rank for, what content you create, and what steps you take to optimize your site.

You know the methods used to increase your site’s traffic are effective: You’ll be the one doing the SEO, so you know your methods are effective. You can also monitor your site’s traffic to know when changes need to be made.

The Cons of DIY SEO

You don’t have the knowledge to do it right: If you don’t have any experience with SEO, it can be easy to make mistakes. You might target the wrong keywords, use the wrong type of content, or take inefficient steps to optimize your site. If you don’t do the SEO correctly, it can hurt your site, not help it.

You don’t have the time to do it right: If you decide to do SEO yourself, you’ll need to carve out time. But you have a business to run. You also have other responsibilities, like marketing and generating leads. It won’t get done if you don’t set aside enough time for SEO.

You need to focus on other aspects of your blogging business: If you decide to do all your SEO yourself, you’ll be taking away from other parts of your business. You need to be focusing on lead generation, but you should also be marketing your content. You also need to be publishing new content regularly.

You don’t have the right tools or know-how: If you decide to do SEO yourself, you’ll need to know where to start. You’ll need to know which keywords to target, what type of content to create, and how to optimize your site. You’ll also need the right tools to do it.


As a self-employed blogger, you must make many decisions on your own. Which SEO approach you choose is no different. The good news is that there are benefits to both approaches. If you hire an SEO professional, you’ll save money on the cost for SEO and get results faster. If you choose the DIY route, you’ll have more control over what’s done to your site and save money. The best way to decide which approach is right for you is to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.

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